Monday, August 31, 2009

help the mccradys: volume 4.

I need help.

I was one click away from purchasing this bedding set from Target. I really love the damask print with a hint of stripes, and I especially like the rich turquoise color because it obviously goes well with dark wooden furniture (and we have a lot of that). And its fresh, clean, cool and pretty.

On a whim, I decided to google the name of this bedding and see if anyone had posted another picture of it. Here is what the actual color is. While it is still very pretty, I just don't like it the same. It almost looks tropical now. Do y'all think this would still look good with our dark brown furniture? Could I style it so that it wouldn't look like you're spending the night in a Hawaiian hotel? Help?


  1. I still think it looks pretty! I think it would look great with dark furniture, especially if you add pops of a second color...maybe some browns or even some pinky reds.

  2. I still love it! But I know what you mean about it being a different look. Maybe buy it, and you can always return it??

  3. i have a very similar duvet cover that i purchased at ikea a while back. I will try to take a pic and post soon. I say go for it :)

  4. I do like the first picture better, but who knows what the true color will look like in your house. Pictures never do it justice!

  5. I think it would look good either way. And like Karen said pictures are never the same as seen in real life!
    Can't you try it out and return it if it doesn't work out? (I mean try seeing what the design looks like and so forth...not try sleeping on it to see how it feels..haha I'm sure it would feel great to sleep on though!!)

