At least once a week, I fill in our specifications and go shopping:
Minimum price: (not telling you our budget)
Maximum price: (not telling you our budget)
Minimum bedrooms: 3 [but 4 would be ideal, so sometimes I look for 4]
Minimum bathrooms: 2 [but 2.5 or 3 would be ideal so sometimes I search for those too]
Pool: no - not now at least...
Garage size: 2 cars or larger [a must have]
You know you're on the site too much when you recognize all the street names in the search and get excited when there's a new street that you haven't seen before.
Here's what I found today:
corner lot
nice big tree
well manicured grass
we like darker brick (nothing personal!)
not a fan of the big bushes
could use more color in landscaping
could use more color in landscaping
nice large window
neutral paint color
chair rail
vaulted ceilings
pretty good size
nice light fixture
would be better with hardwood floors
could always be bigger
fireplace with mantel (a must have)
love the built-ins
pretty good size
arched doorways
cozy paint color
ceiling fan
natural light
again, would like wood floors better
a little small
open to living room
lots of counter space
stainless steel appliances
pretty cabinets
no window
not white (just kidding!)
paint's a little dark for a kitchen
good size
natural light
could have a window seat there
nice light fixture
nice paint color
higher ceilings
not a lot! :)
natural light
big tub in corner
separate vanities (I assume)
separate shower and tub
tile floor
neutral paint
hope its bigger than the picture!
good size
nice large window
neutral paint
chair rail
wood floors would be better
(can you tell a trend?)
ceiling fan [must-have]
good size
vaulted ceilings
can fit a king bed [must have]
paint color?
can always be bigger
some grass in the yard
seating area
place for grill
room enough for Scoutie
hope it's bigger than just that
could use bigger deck/seating area
All in all, definitely purchaseable based on these pictures alone... What do y'all think?
1 comment:
I like the house I would prefer wood floors to but then I think about having kids and it makes me not so sure cause I liked having carpet when I was little. The back yard is a little small for me but I could get over it. I kinda figure whenever I buy a house I will have a painting party and invite my friends who can paint and won't spill it over to help so to me wall colors don't make a different to me =) Thanks for the website and posting this I am going to check out the website tonight!
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