Thursday, October 9, 2008

soap box: holiday decorating

So I get really irritated when people start decorating for Christmas when it's not even mid October yet! I refuse to listen to Christmas songs and I refuse to decorate our apartment for Christmas until the day after Thanksgiving. I pretend to not see festive holiday decorations that are in stores already, and I can't believe people are buying them this early!

I love decorating for Christmas just as much as the next person, but let's focus on one holiday at a time, people! Right now is Halloween. Go ahead and put out your pumpkins and fall decor. Next month you can decorate for Thanksgiving. Go wild. And then the day after thanksgiving, feel free to bust out all the tinsel, twinkle lights and snowmen to your heart's content. Just WAIT until it's the actual holiday season! I understand getting a head start on your gifts (heck, I'm doing that too...spreadsheet and all), but I don't want to see a single snowflake until Friday November 28th. Anything before that is just. too. early.

On that note... yayyyy for pumpkin season! Go getcha some candy corn and go to town! :)


  1. AMEN! I am the EXACT same way. I love to decorate for Christmas but not until the day after Thanksgiving. That is always my decorating day, and I love it - but not until then! I went to Home Depot thinking I could find a few Halloween decorations for outside, and I found three rows of Christmas decorations and one little Halloween display in the aisle. Are you kidding me? That's insane.

